March 16, 2023 • 2 min read
CDP Climate Change Supplier Engagement Leader recognition
We’ve been recognized by CDP as a Climate Change Supplier Engagement Leader 2022 as part of its annual Supplier Engagement Rating program.
We ranked among the top eight percent of companies assessed for supplier engagement on climate change. This ranking is based on how we’re measuring and disclosing our Scope 3 value chain emissions, our efforts to engage with our suppliers on climate change, our targets and our performance on reducing emissions overall.
CDP assesses performance on supplier engagement using each company’s response to questions on governance, targets, Scope 3 emissions, and value chain engagement in the CDP Climate Change questionnaire. Our submission outlined our progress in these areas including:
- the inclusion of ESG credentials in our Supplier Pre-Qualification Questionnaire in FY2022
- engaging with the property managers of our offices to facilitate renewable energy supply
- expansion of our Sustainable Solutions process to support our customers in reducing emissions
- increased disclosure of our Scope 3 emissions – we now disclose under 11 categories compared with only two categories two years ago
- reviewing our value chain to identify emissions hotspots, improving our data quality, and taking further action to reduce our Scope 3 emissions.

“Quantifying and reducing Scope 3 emissions is a complex challenge facing businesses globally, and it’s a priority as we work with our suppliers to tackle climate change,” said Sue Brown, Executive Group Director Sustainability at Worley.
“We know that collaboration, partnership and more sustainable procurement approaches across value chains will also be needed if we are all to achieve our sustainability targets, so it is pleasing to receive this recognition from CDP,” she said.
“Like many companies, we still have more to do. We will continue working with our suppliers to drive improvement in quantifying and reducing Scope 3 emissions, as we progress toward our 2050 net-zero target.”
About CDP Supplier Engagement Leaderboard: CDP assesses performance on supplier engagement as part of the CDP Climate Change questionnaire. Companies that meet leadership criteria through the Supplier Engagement Rating (SER) are highlighted as leaders in the annual CDP Supply Chain report. CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states, and regions to manage their environmental impacts. Download the full report.